Thursday, February 28, 2008

I hope to get a much clearer understanding of the technology that is available to me through Library 2.0, so that I can work towards creating more interactive avenues with current and potential clients.

I think lifelong learning means that there are always avenues for to expand your skills to stretch your brain and be put to good use.

Other blogs that I have seen include Alternate Teen Services and one created by Barb Scott in the States that listed her holiday activity programs very effectively.

I can definitely see a use for blogs as thye can be updated so quickly. I also think there is a definite use for particular client groups I already serve, and it may also help to attract remote access users.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Sounds like you are looking forward to the Learning 2.0 journey.
Hope you enjoy it!
Kathleen A